To me, forming unions in our industry is such a no-brainer. Nobody wants to attach their name to the “U” word. That’s okay, I’ll do it.
We should all have many months of expenses stashed away in some high-yield savings account (these days that might just be your checking account). We’re in demand. If you’re fired for trying to unionize, take a sabbatical and then pick up one of the 20 jobs that will be waiting in your LinkedIn mailbox when you get back.
The time to unionize is when we have power, not when we’re desperately trying to claw power back from Amazon or Walmart or Starbucks.
What do we want? Regular pay increases so we don’t feel compelled to leave (this benefits employers more than us so why we have to strongarm this is beyond me) and a 4-day workweek (even Microsoft knows 5/40 work schedules don’t yield more than 4/32). These two things will go a long way to ensure both employer and developer have a long, happy, fulfilling relationship.